
PyQchem is combined with wfnsympy to analyze the symmetry of the wave function calculated using Q-Chem. PyQchem implements several symmetry functions that are compatible with electronic_structure dictionary. Due to the limitations of wfnsympy at this moment only gaussian type orbitals (GTO) basis can be used.

Orbital classification

A simple function included in pyQchem is get_orbital_classification, this function classify the molecular orbitals between PI and SIGMA. For this function to work properly the user needs to define the center ond orientation of the molecule. Assuming that the molecule is planar center should be a point within the plane that the atoms form and orientation is a unitary vector perpendicular to this plane.

The return of this function is a list. Each element of this list correspond to a molecular orbital (in energy order from lower to higher) and contains two things: a label that indicates the type of orbitals (SIGMA or PI) and a float number that indicates the degree of accuracy (from 0[None] to 1[Full]).

from pyqchem.symmetry import get_orbital_classification

orbital_types = get_orbital_classification(electronic_structure,
                                           center=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                           orientation=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

for i, ot in enumerate(orbital_types):
    print('{:5}:  {:5} {:5.3f}'.format(i + 1, ot[0], ot[1]))

Sometimes molecules may not be planar but still some notion of pi/sigma symmetry can be extracted, even if its only local. For this reason pyqchem implements several functions to manipulate electronic structures (See and as more complete examples)

The following example shows the use of two of these functions (get_plane, and crop_electronic_structure) to determine the orbital symmetry (PI/SIGMA) of a fragment of a large molecule. Get_plane allows to determine the plane and orientation of the fragment. This function assumes that all atoms are in the same plane, so if some atoms are out of the plane it may be more adequate to use this function with the subset of the atoms that are more or less in a plane. On the other hand, crop_electronic_structure modifies the MO coefficients, by setting all the basis functions that are not centered in the atoms of the fragment to zero. This allows to do a symmetry measure of the part of the MO orbitals that is located around the fragment.

# define the atoms of the fragment
atoms_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# get coordinates of the fragment
coord_fragment = electronic_structure['structure'].get_coordinates(fragment=atoms_list)

# get the plane and orientation of the fragment
center, normal = get_plane(coord_fragment)

# Set zero to all coefficients centered in the atoms that are not part of the fragment
electronic_structure_fragment = crop_electronic_structure(electronic_structure, atoms_list)

# get classified orbitals
orbital_types = get_orbital_classification(electronic_structure_fragment,