Source code for pyqchem.qc_input

import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from pyqchem.basis import basis_to_txt, get_purecard
import hashlib, json
import warnings
from pyqchem.errors import QchemInputWarning, QchemInputError
warnings.filterwarnings("default", category=DeprecationWarning)  # make DeprecationWarning visible

[docs]def normalize_values(value): """ Set all string values (including keys and values of dictionaries) to lower case :param value: the values :return: normalized values """ def normalize(value): if isinstance(value, str): return value.lower() return value if isinstance(value, dict): return {normalize(k): normalize(v) for k, v in value.items()} else: return normalize(value)
[docs]class QchemInput: """ Handles the Q-Chem input info """ def __init__(self, molecule, jobtype='sp', method=None, exchange=None, correlation=None, unrestricted=None, basis='6-31G', basis2=None, thresh=14, scf_convergence=8, max_scf_cycles=50, scf_algorithm='diis', purecart=None, # RASCI ras_roots=None, ras_do_hole=True, ras_do_part=True, ras_act=None, ras_act_orb=None, ras_elec=None, ras_elec_alpha=None, ras_elec_beta=None, ras_occ=None, ras_spin_mult=1, ras_sts_tm=False, ras_fod=False, ras_natorb=False, ras_natorb_state=None, ras_print=1, ras_diabatization_scheme=None, ras_diabatization_states=None, ras_guess=None, use_reduced_ras_guess=False, # RASCI SrDFT ras_omega=400, ras_srdft=None, ras_srdft_damp=0.5, ras_srdft_exc=None, ras_srdft_cor=None, ras_srdft_spinpol=0, # SOC calc_soc=False, state_analysis=False, # EOM ee_singlets=False, ee_triplets=False, cc_trans_prop=False, cc_symmetry=True, cc_e_conv=None, cc_t_conv=None, eom_davidson_conv=5, # CIS cis_convergence=6, cis_n_roots=None, cis_singlets=False, cis_triplets=False, cis_ampl_anal=False, loc_cis_ov_separate=False, er_cis_numstate=0, boys_cis_numstate=0, cis_diabath_decompose=False, max_cis_cycles=30, localized_diabatization=None, sts_multi_nroots=None, cc_state_to_opt=None, cis_state_deriv=None, RPA=False, set_iter=30, gui=0, # optimization geom_opt_dmax=300, geom_opt_update=-1, geom_opt_linear_angle=165, geom_opt_coords=-1, geom_opt_tol_gradient=300, geom_opt_tol_displacement=1200, geom_opt_tol_energy=100, geom_opt_max_cycles=50, geom_opt_constrains=None, # solvent solvent_method=None, solvent_params=None, pcm_params=None, # IRC rpath_coords=0, rpath_direction=1, rpath_max_cycles=20, rpath_max_stepsize=150, rpath_tol_displacement=5000, # symmetry symmetry=True, sym_ignore=False, # other nto_pairs=None, n_frozen_core=None, n_frozen_virt=None, # to be deprecated in the future n_frozen_virtual=0, mom_start=False, reorder_orbitals=None, namd_nsurfaces=None, scf_print=None, scf_guess=None, scf_energies=None, scf_density=None, scf_guess_mix=False, hessian=None, sym_tol=5, mem_total=2000, mem_static=64, skip_scfman=False, # special extra_rem_keywords=None, extra_sections=None, ): # put to arguments self._* (will be written explicitly) self.purecart = purecart for name, value in vars().items(): if name != 'self': # set keywords in lower case value = normalize_values(value) setattr(self, '_' + name, value) # set ras_occ if ras_roots is not None: if exchange is None: self._exchange = 'hf' if ras_occ is None: if ras_elec is not None: self._ras_occ = (np.sum( molecule.get_atomic_numbers()) - ras_elec - molecule.charge) // 2 elif ras_elec_alpha is not None or ras_elec_beta is not None: self._ras_occ = (np.sum( molecule.get_atomic_numbers()) - ras_elec_alpha - ras_elec_beta - molecule.charge) // 2 else: self._ras_occ = (np.sum(molecule.get_atomic_numbers()) - molecule.charge) // 2 self._ras_occ = int(self._ras_occ) warnings.warn(QchemInputWarning('set ras_occ = {}'.format(self._ras_occ))) # Handle custom basis set if type(basis) is not str: self._basis = 'gen' self._custom_basis = basis self._purecart = get_purecard(basis) # Handle custom basis set if not isinstance(basis2, str) and basis2 is not None: self._basis2 = 'gen' self._custom_basis2 = basis2 self._purecart = get_purecard(basis2) # Handle cc_trans_prop if isinstance(self._cc_trans_prop, dict): self._trans_prop = self._cc_trans_prop self._cc_trans_prop = 1 else: self._trans_prop = None # Handle reorder mo if self._reorder_orbitals is not None: if not 'beta' in self._reorder_orbitals: self._reorder_orbitals['beta'] = self._reorder_orbitals['alpha'] # handle explicit guess (from MO coefficients) if scf_guess is not None and type(scf_guess) is not str: # print('set custom guess') self._scf_guess = 'read' self._mo_coefficients = scf_guess else: self._mo_coefficients = None if self._ras_srdft is not None: from warnings import warn warn('Warning! ras_srdft keyword is deprecated, this will be automatically ' 'activated when using ras_srdft_exc and ras_srdft_cor') if ras_srdft_exc is not None or ras_srdft_cor is not None: self._ras_srdft = True else: self._ras_srdft = False def __hash__(self): # take all keywords defined in input keywords = dict(self.__dict__) # remove keywords that not affect the results (these keywords will be ignored in hash) for key in ['_mem_total', '_mem_static', '_gui', '_set_iter', '_max_scf_cycles', '_geom_opt_max_cycles', '_max_cis_cycles']: keywords.pop(key, None) # Change molecule object by molecule coordinates (Structure class too complex for JSON) keywords['_molecule'] = hash(keywords['_molecule']) # Handle extra section if keywords['_extra_sections'] is not None: if isinstance(keywords['_extra_sections'], list): keywords['_extra_sections'] = tuple(keywords['_extra_sections']) keywords['_extra_sections'] = hash(keywords['_extra_sections'],) digest = hashlib.md5(json.dumps(keywords, sort_keys=True).encode()).hexdigest() return int(digest, 16)
[docs] def get_txt(self): """ get qchem input in plain text :return string: qchem input in plain text """ input_file = '' ############################## # Molecule definition ############################## input_file += '$molecule\n' input_file += '{} {}\n'.format(self._molecule.charge, self._molecule.multiplicity) atomic_elements = self._molecule.get_symbols() coordinates = self._molecule.get_coordinates() for index, element in enumerate(atomic_elements): input_file += (element + '\t' + '{:20.10f} {:20.10f} {:20.10f}\n'.format(*coordinates[index])) input_file += '$end\n' ##################### # Rem variables ##################### input_file += '$rem\n' input_file += 'jobtype {}\n'.format(self._jobtype) if self._exchange is not None: input_file += 'exchange {}\n'.format(self._exchange) if self._method: input_file += 'method {}\n'.format(self._method) if self._n_frozen_virt is not None: self._n_frozen_virtual = self._n_frozen_virt warnings.warn('"n_frozen_virt" keyword will be deprecated. Use "n_frozen_virtual" instead', DeprecationWarning) input_file += 'basis {}\n'.format(self._basis) input_file += 'thresh {}\n'.format(self._thresh) input_file += 'scf_convergence {}\n'.format(self._scf_convergence) input_file += 'scf_algorithm {}\n'.format(self._scf_algorithm) input_file += 'max_scf_cycles {}\n'.format(self._max_scf_cycles) input_file += 'gui {}\n'.format(self.gui) input_file += 'set_iter {}\n'.format(self._set_iter) input_file += 'RPA {}\n'.format(self._RPA) input_file += 'mem_total {}\n'.format(self._mem_total) input_file += 'mem_static {}\n'.format(self._mem_static) input_file += 'n_frozen_virtual {}\n'.format(self._n_frozen_virtual) input_file += 'mom_start {}\n'.format(self._mom_start) input_file += 'skip_scfman {}\n'.format(self._skip_scfman) input_file += 'scf_guess_mix {}\n'.format(self._scf_guess_mix) if self._basis2 is not None: input_file += 'basis2 {}\n'.format(self._basis2) if self._n_frozen_core is not None: input_file += 'n_frozen_core {}\n'.format(self._n_frozen_core) if self._solvent_method is not None: input_file += 'solvent_method {}\n'.format(self._solvent_method) if self._unrestricted is not None: input_file += 'unrestricted {}\n'.format(self._unrestricted) if self._purecart is not None: input_file += 'purecart {}\n'.format(self._purecart) if self._correlation is not None: input_file += 'correlation {}\n'.format(self._correlation) # RasCI variables if self._ras_roots is not None: if self._ras_natorb_state is not None: input_file += 'ras_natorb_state {}\n'.format(self._ras_natorb_state) self._ras_natorb = True input_file += 'ras_roots {}\n'.format(self._ras_roots) input_file += 'ras_do_hole {}\n'.format(self._ras_do_hole) input_file += 'ras_do_part {}\n'.format(self._ras_do_part) input_file += 'ras_occ {}\n'.format(self._ras_occ) input_file += 'ras_spin_mult {}\n'.format(self._ras_spin_mult) input_file += 'ras_print {}\n'.format(self._ras_print) input_file += 'ras_natorb {}\n'.format(self._ras_natorb) input_file += 'ras_sts_tm {}\n'.format(self._ras_sts_tm) input_file += 'ras_fod {}\n'.format(self._ras_fod) # input_file += 'max_cis_cycles {}\n'.format(self._max_cis_cycles) # input_file += 'RAS_RESTR_TYPE {}\n'.format(True) if self._ras_elec is not None: input_file += 'ras_elec {}\n'.format(self._ras_elec) else: if self._ras_elec_alpha is None and self._ras_elec_beta is None: raise QchemInputError('{} not defined'.format('ras_elec')) if self._ras_elec_alpha is not None: input_file += 'ras_elec_alpha {}\n'.format(self._ras_elec_alpha) if self._ras_elec_beta is not None: input_file += 'ras_elec_beta {}\n'.format(self._ras_elec_beta) if self._ras_act is not None: input_file += 'ras_act {}\n'.format(self._ras_act) else: raise QchemInputError('{} not defined'.format('ras_act')) if self._ras_act_orb is not None: input_file += 'ras_act_orb [' + ','.join([str(num) for num in self._ras_act_orb]) + ']\n' # Sr-DFT if self._ras_srdft: input_file += 'ras_srdft {}\n'.format('True') input_file += 'ras_srdft_damp {}\n'.format(self._ras_srdft_damp) input_file += 'ras_srdft_spinpol {}\n'.format(self._ras_srdft_spinpol) input_file += 'ras_omega {}\n'.format(self._ras_omega) if self._ras_srdft_exc is not None: input_file += 'ras_srdft_exc {}\n'.format(self._ras_srdft_exc) if self._ras_srdft_cor is not None: input_file += 'ras_srdft_cor {}\n'.format(self._ras_srdft_cor) else: raise QchemInputError('{} not defined'.format('ras_srdft_cor')) # Diabatization diab_methods = {'ER': 1, 'Boys': 2, 'DQ': 3, 'Gamma': 4} if self._ras_diabatization_states is not None: input_file += 'sts_multi_nroots {}\n'.format(len(self._ras_diabatization_states)) input_file += 'cis_diabath_decompose {}\n'.format(len(self._ras_diabatization_scheme)) input_file += 'ras_diab_seq_data [' for seq in self._ras_diabatization_scheme: input_file += '{} '.format([num for num in seq['states']] + [diab_methods[seq['method']]] + [seq['parameters'] if 'parameters' in seq else 0.0]).replace(' ', '')[1:-1] input_file += ',' input_file = input_file[:-1] + ']\n' input_file += 'ras_diab_seq_list ' + '{}\n'.format([len(seq['states']) for seq in self._ras_diabatization_scheme]).replace(' ', '') # RAS guess if self._ras_guess is not None: if self._use_reduced_ras_guess: input_file += 'set_redo {}\n'.format(1) else: input_file += 'set_redo {}\n'.format(2) # Borrowed keywords input_file += 'cis_convergence {}\n'.format(self._cis_convergence) #if self._method.upper() in ['EOM-CCSD'] or self._correlation.upper() in ['CCSD']: if self._method is not None: # EOM if self._method.upper() in ['EOM-CCSD']: input_file += 'cc_trans_prop {}\n'.format(self._cc_trans_prop) input_file += 'cc_symmetry {}\n'.format(self._cc_symmetry) if self._cc_e_conv is not None: input_file += 'cc_e_conv {}\n'.format(self._cc_e_conv) if self._cc_t_conv is not None: input_file += 'cc_t_conv {}\n'.format(self._cc_t_conv) if self._ee_singlets is not False: input_file += 'ee_singlets [' + ','.join([str(num) for num in self._ee_singlets]) + ']\n' if self._ee_triplets is not False: input_file += 'ee_triplets [' + ','.join([str(num) for num in self._ee_triplets]) + ']\n' input_file += 'eom_davidson_conv {}\n'.format(self._eom_davidson_conv) # SOC if self._calc_soc is not False: input_file += 'calc_soc {}\n'.format(self._calc_soc) if self._state_analysis is not False: input_file += 'state_analysis {}\n'.format(self._state_analysis) # CIS variables if self._cis_n_roots is not None: input_file += 'cis_convergence {}\n'.format(self._cis_convergence) input_file += 'cis_n_roots {}\n'.format(self._cis_n_roots) input_file += 'cis_singlets {}\n'.format(self._cis_singlets) input_file += 'cis_triplets {}\n'.format(self._cis_triplets) input_file += 'cis_ampl_anal {}\n'.format(self._cis_ampl_anal) input_file += 'loc_cis_ov_separate {}\n'.format(self._loc_cis_ov_separate) input_file += 'er_cis_numstate {}\n'.format(self._er_cis_numstate) input_file += 'boys_cis_numstate {}\n'.format(self._boys_cis_numstate) input_file += 'max_cis_cycles {}\n'.format(self._max_cis_cycles) # other if self._namd_nsurfaces is not None: input_file += 'namd_nsurfaces {}\n'.format(self._namd_nsurfaces) if self._sts_multi_nroots is not None: input_file += 'sts_multi_nroots {}\n'.format(self._sts_multi_nroots) if self._localized_diabatization is not None: input_file += 'cis_diabath_decompose {}\n'.format(self._cis_diabath_decompose) if self._cc_state_to_opt is not None: input_file += 'cc_state_to_opt [{},{}]\n'.format(self._cc_state_to_opt[0], self._cc_state_to_opt[1]) if self._cis_state_deriv is not None: input_file += 'cis_state_deriv {}\n'.format(self._cis_state_deriv) if self._scf_print is not None: input_file += 'scf_print {}\n'.format(self._scf_print) if self._scf_guess is not None: input_file += 'scf_guess {}\n'.format(self._scf_guess) if self._symmetry is not None: input_file += 'symmetry {}\n'.format(self._symmetry) if self._sym_ignore is not None: input_file += 'sym_ignore {}\n'.format(self._sym_ignore) if self._sym_tol is not None: input_file += 'sym_tol {}\n'.format(self._sym_tol) if self._nto_pairs is not None: input_file += 'nto_pairs {}\n'.format(self._nto_pairs) # optimization if self._jobtype.lower() in ['opt', 'ts']: input_file += 'geom_opt_dmax {}\n'.format(self._geom_opt_dmax) input_file += 'geom_opt_update {}\n'.format(self._geom_opt_update) input_file += 'geom_opt_linear_angle {}\n'.format(self._geom_opt_linear_angle) input_file += 'geom_opt_coords {}\n'.format(self._geom_opt_coords) input_file += 'geom_opt_tol_gradient {}\n'.format(self._geom_opt_tol_gradient) input_file += 'geom_opt_tol_displacement {}\n'.format(self._geom_opt_tol_displacement) input_file += 'geom_opt_tol_energy {}\n'.format(self._geom_opt_tol_energy) input_file += 'geom_opt_max_cycles {}\n'.format(self._geom_opt_max_cycles) # IRC if self._jobtype.lower() in ['rpath']: input_file += 'rpath_coords {}\n'.format(self._rpath_coords) input_file += 'rpath_direction {}\n'.format(self._rpath_direction) input_file += 'rpath_max_cycles {}\n'.format(self._rpath_max_cycles) input_file += 'rpath_max_stepsize {}\n'.format(self._rpath_max_stepsize) input_file += 'rpath_tol_displacement {}\n'.format(self._rpath_tol_displacement) # Extra keywords if self._extra_rem_keywords is not None: for key, value in self._extra_rem_keywords.items(): input_file += '{} {}\n'.format(key, value) input_file += '$end\n' ########################## # Additional sections ########################## # localized diabatization if self._localized_diabatization is not None: input_file += '$localized_diabatization\nadiabatic states\n' input_file += ' '.join(np.array(self._localized_diabatization, dtype=str)) input_file += '\n$end\n' # Constrains section def modulate_angles(type, value): if type in ['tors', 'outp', 'linc', 'linp', 'bend']: value = np.mod(value + 180, 360) - 180 if type in ['bend']: value = np.abs(value) return value if self._geom_opt_constrains is not None: input_file += '$opt\n' input_file += 'CONSTRAINT\n' for type, constrains in self._geom_opt_constrains.items(): for constrain in constrains: input_file += '{} {} {:15.6f}\n'.format(type, ' '.join([str(num) for num in constrain['atoms']]), modulate_angles(type, constrain['value'])) input_file += 'ENDCONSTRAINT\n' input_file += '$end\n' # Diabatization section if self._ras_diabatization_states is not None: input_file += '$localized_diabatization\n' input_file += 'adiabatic states\n' input_file += ' '.join([str(num) for num in self._ras_diabatization_states]) input_file += '\n$end\n' # custom basis section if self._basis == 'gen': input_file += '$basis\n' input_file += basis_to_txt(self._custom_basis) input_file += '$end\n' # custom basis2 section if self._basis2 == 'gen': input_file += '$basis2\n' input_file += basis_to_txt(self._custom_basis2) input_file += '$end\n' # reorder orbitals if self._reorder_orbitals is not None: input_file += '$reorder_mo\n' input_file += ' '.join([str(s) for s in self._reorder_orbitals['alpha']]) + '\n' input_file += ' '.join([str(s) for s in self._reorder_orbitals['beta']]) + '\n' input_file += '$end\n' # trans_prop section if self._trans_prop is not None: input_file += '$trans_prop\n' if 'state_list' in self._trans_prop: input_file += 'state_list\n' if 'ee_singlets' in self._trans_prop['state_list']: for pair in self._trans_prop['state_list']['ee_singlets']: input_file += 'ee_singlets {} {}\n'.format(*pair) if 'ee_triplets' in self._trans_prop['state_list']: for pair in self._trans_prop['state_list']['ee_triplets']: input_file += 'ee_triplets {} {}\n'.format(*pair) if 'ref' in self._trans_prop['state_list']: input_file += 'ref {}\n'.format(self._trans_prop['state_list']['ref']) input_file += 'end_list\n' if 'state_pair_list' in self._trans_prop: for pair in self._trans_prop['state_pair_list']['ee_singlets']: input_file += '{} {}\n'.format(*pair) input_file += 'end_pairs\n' if 'calc' in self._trans_prop: for calc in self._trans_prop['calc']: input_file += 'CALC {}\n'.format(calc) if self._calc_soc is not False and self._calc_soc != 0: input_file += 'CALC soc\n' input_file += '$end\n' # solvent if self._solvent_params is not None: input_file += '$solvent\n' for prop, value in self._solvent_params.items(): input_file += '{} {}\n'.format(prop, value) input_file += '$end\n' if self._pcm_params is not None: input_file += '$pcm\n' for prop, value in self._pcm_params.items(): input_file += '{} {}\n'.format(prop, value) input_file += '$end\n' # extra sections if self._extra_sections is not None: if isinstance(self._extra_sections, list): for section in self._extra_sections: input_file += section.get_txt() else: # Only one section input_file += self._extra_sections.get_txt() return input_file + "\n"
def store_mo_file(self, path='.'): guess_coeff = self._mo_coefficients guess_energies = self._scf_energies # set guess in place mo_coeffa = np.array(guess_coeff['alpha'], dtype=float) if 'beta' in guess_coeff: mo_coeffb = np.array(guess_coeff['beta'], dtype=float) else: mo_coeffb = mo_coeffa if 'qchem_order' in guess_coeff: indices = guess_coeff['qchem_order'] reverse_indices = [list(indices).index(j) for j in range(len(indices))] mo_coeffa = mo_coeffa[:, reverse_indices] mo_coeffb = mo_coeffb[:, reverse_indices] if guess_energies is not None: mo_enea = np.array(guess_energies['alpha'], dtype=float) if 'beta' in guess_coeff: mo_coeffb = np.array(guess_coeff['beta'], dtype=float) mo_eneb = np.array(guess_energies['beta'], dtype=float) else: mo_eneb = mo_enea else: # energies set with increasing values for q-chem to keep the order of orbitals mo_enea = list(range(len(mo_coeffa))) mo_eneb = list(range(len(mo_coeffb))) guess_file = np.vstack([mo_coeffa, mo_coeffb, mo_enea, mo_eneb]).flatten() with open(path + '/53.0', 'w') as f: guess_file.tofile(f, sep='') def store_density_file(self, path='.'): guess_density = self._scf_density # set guess in place density_alpha = np.array(guess_density['alpha'], dtype=np.float) if 'beta' in guess_density: density_beta = np.array(guess_density['beta'], dtype=np.float) else: density_beta = density_alpha guess_file = np.vstack([density_alpha, density_beta]).flatten() with open(path + '/54.0', 'w') as f: guess_file.tofile(f, sep='') def store_energy_file(self, path='.'): energy_file = np.zeros(12) warnings.warn('warning: FILE_ENERGY will be set to zeros, this may affect post HF methods') with open(path + '/99.0', 'w') as f: energy_file.tofile(f, sep='') def store_hessian_file(self, path='.'): hessian_triu = np.array(self._hessian) with open(path + '/132.0', 'w') as f: hessian_triu.tofile(f, sep='') def store_ras_guess_file(self, path='.'): ras_guess_file = np.array(self._ras_guess, dtype=float).flatten() with open(path + '/704.0', 'w') as f: ras_guess_file.tofile(f, sep='') # Access to properties (only a reduced set should be accessible/editable) @property def molecule(self): return self._molecule @property def mo_coefficients(self): return self._mo_coefficients @property def mo_energies(self): return self._scf_energies @property def scf_density(self): return self._scf_density @property def hessian(self): return self._hessian @property def ras_guess(self): return self._ras_guess @property def gui(self): return self._gui @gui.setter def gui(self, value): value = int(value) if value < 0 or value > 10: raise ValueError('GUI value error') self._gui = value
[docs] def get_copy(self): """ Get a copy of the input :return: """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def update_input(self, dictionary): """ Update the input from data in a dictionary Note: already existing parameters will be overwritten :param dictionary: parameters to add """ # put to arguments self._* (will be written explicitly) for name, value in dictionary.items(): setattr(self, '_' + name, value)
class CustomSection: def __init__(self, title, keywords): self._tile = title self._data = keywords def __hash__(self): keywords = dict(self.__dict__) digest = hashlib.md5(json.dumps(keywords, sort_keys=True).encode()).hexdigest() return int(digest, 16) def get_txt(self): """ create string with appropiate Q-Chem input section format :return: string in Q-Chem input section format """ txt_input = '${}\n'.format(self._tile) for prop, value in self._data.items(): txt_input += ' {} {}\n'.format(prop, value) txt_input += '$end\n' return txt_input