Source code for pyqchem.qchem_core

from pyqchem.qc_input import QchemInput
from pyqchem.errors import ParserError, OutputError
from pyqchem.utils import get_sdm
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from pathlib import Path
import os, shutil, sys
import numpy as np
import hashlib
import pickle
import warnings

if sys.version_info[0] < 3 or sys.platform in ["win32", "cygwin"] or os.getenv('PYQCHEM_CACHE') == '1':
    # For python 2.x or Windows use pickle based cache system
    from pyqchem.cache import SimpleCache as CacheSystem
    warnings.warn('Using SimpleCache')
    # For python 3.x use SQL Database based cache system
    from pyqchem.cache import SqlCache as CacheSystem

# Backwards Compatibility
def redefine_calculation_data_filename(filename, compress=False):
    cache = CacheSystem(filename=filename, compress=compress)

# Check if calculation finished ok
def finish_ok(output):
    return output[-1000:].find('Thank you very much for using Q-Chem') != -1

# Return qchem version
def get_version_output(output):

    class QChemVersion:
        def __init__(self, string):

            string_version = string.split()[1]
            self._major = string_version.split('.')[0]
            self._minor = string_version.split('.')[1]

            string_branch = string.split()[2]
            self._devel = True if '(devel)' in string_branch else False

        def __str__(self):
            dev = 'dev' if self.is_development else ''
            return '{}.{} {}'.format(self.major, self.minor, dev)

        def __eq__(self, other):

            Here put the logic for more sophisticated comparison
            between versions

            :param other: string/QchemVersion

            if isinstance(other, QChemVersion):
                return True if self.__str__() == other.__str__() else False

            o_major = other.split('.')[0]
            o_minor = other.split('.')[1]

            if int(o_major) == self.major:

                # handle expresions like 2.3+
                if '+' in o_minor[-1]:
                    if self.minor >= int(o_minor[:-1]):
                        return True
                        return False

                if int(o_minor) == self.minor:
                    return True

            return False

        def major(self):
            return int(self._major)

        def minor(self):
            return int(self._minor)

        def is_development(self):
            return self._devel

    index = output[:500].find('\n Q-Chem')
    string = output[index: index + 30]

    return QChemVersion(string)

def get_compatibility_list_from_parser(parser):
    docstring = parser.__doc__
    if docstring is None:
        return None

    lines = docstring.split('\n')
    for line in lines:
        if 'compatibility' in line.lower():
                return [version.strip() for version in line.split(':')[1].split(',')]
            except IndexError:

    return None

# Layer of compatibility with old version
def create_qchem_input(*args, **kwargs):
    return QchemInput(*args, **kwargs)

[docs]def parse_output(get_output_function): """ to be deprecated :param get_output_function: :return: parsed output """ cache = CacheSystem() def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): parser = kwargs.pop('parser', None) parser_parameters = kwargs.pop('parser_parameters', {}) store_output = kwargs.pop('store_output', None) force_recalculation = kwargs.pop('force_recalculation', False) if parser is not None: hash_p = (args[0], parser.__name__) if hash_p in cache.calculation_data and not force_recalculation: print('already calculated. Skip') return cache.calculation_data[hash_p] output, err = get_output_function(*args, **kwargs) if store_output is not None: with open('{}'.format(store_output), 'w') as f: f.write(output) if len(err) > 0: print(output[-800:]) print(err) raise Exception('q-chem calculation finished with error') if parser is None: return output parsed_output = parser(output, **parser_parameters) cache.calculation_data[hash_p] = parsed_output with open(cache._calculation_data_filename, 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(cache.calculation_data, output, protocol=pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL) return parsed_output return func_wrapper
[docs]def local_run(input_file_name, work_dir, fchk_file, use_mpi=False, processors=1): """ Run Q-Chem locally :param input_file_name: Q-Chem input file in plain text format :param work_dir: Scratch directory where calculation run :param fchk_file: filename of fchk :param use_mpi: use mpi instead of openmp :return: output, err: Q-Chem standard output and standard error """ if not use_mpi: os.environ["QCTHREADS"] = "{}".format(processors) os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "{}".format(processors) os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" os.environ["GUIFILE"] = fchk_file qc_dir = os.getenv('QC') exe_dir = os.getenv('QC_EXE_DIR') if 'QC_EXE_DIR' in os.environ else 'exe' binary = Path(qc_dir).joinpath(exe_dir).joinpath('qcprog.exe') command = [binary, Path(work_dir).joinpath(input_file_name), Path(work_dir)] qchem_process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=work_dir) (output, err) = qchem_process.communicate() qchem_process.wait() output = output.decode(errors='ignore') err = err.decode() return output, err
[docs]def local_run_stream(input_file_name, work_dir, fchk_file, use_mpi=False, processors=1, print_stream=True): """ Run Q-Chem locally :param input_file_name: Q-Chem input file in plain text format :param work_dir: Scratch directory where calculation run :param fchk_file: filename of fchk :param use_mpi: use mpi instead of openmp :param print_stream: set True to print output stream during execution :return: output, err: Q-Chem standard output and standard error """ if not use_mpi: os.environ["QCTHREADS"] = "{}".format(processors) os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "{}".format(processors) os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" os.environ["GUIFILE"] = fchk_file qc_dir = os.getenv('QC') exe_dir = os.getenv('QC_EXE_DIR') if 'QC_EXE_DIR' in os.environ else 'exe' binary = Path(qc_dir).joinpath(exe_dir).joinpath('qcprog.exe') command = [binary, Path(work_dir).joinpath(input_file_name), Path(work_dir)] qchem_process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=work_dir) output = '' err = '' while True: line_out = qchem_process.stdout.readline() line_err = qchem_process.stderr.readline() if not line_out and not line_err: break if print_stream: print(line_out.strip().decode(errors='ignore')) sys.stdout.flush() output += line_out.decode(errors='ignore') err += line_err.decode(errors='ignore') return output, err
[docs]def remote_run(input_file_name, work_dir, fchk_file, remote_params, use_mpi=False, processors=1): """ Run Q-Chem remotely :param input_file: Q-Chem input file in plain text format :param work_dir: Scratch directory where calculation run :param fchk_file: filename of fchk :param remote_params: connection parameters for paramiko :param use_mpi: use mpi instead of openmp :return: output, err: Q-Chem standard output and standard error """ import paramiko # get precommands commands = remote_params.pop('precommand', []) remote_scratch = remote_params.pop('remote_scratch', None) # Setup SSH connection ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(**remote_params) ssh.get_transport() sftp = ssh.open_sftp() print('connected to {}..'.format(remote_params['hostname'])) # Define temp remote dir _, stdout, _ = ssh.exec_command('pwd', get_pty=True) if remote_scratch is None: remote_scratch ='\n').strip('\r') remote_dir = os.path.join(remote_scratch, 'temp_pyqchem_remote') # Create temp directory in remote machine try: sftp.mkdir(remote_dir) except OSError: pass sftp.chdir(remote_dir) # Copy all files in local workdir to remote machine file_list = os.listdir(work_dir) for file in file_list: sftp.put(os.path.join(work_dir, file), '{}'.format(file)) flag = '-np' if use_mpi else '-nt' # Define commands to run Q-Chem in remote machine commands += ['cd {}'.format(remote_dir), # go to remote work dir 'qchem {} {} {}'.format(flag, processors, input_file_name)] # run qchem # Execute command in remote machine stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('bash -l -c "{}"'.format(';'.join(commands)), get_pty=True) # Reformat output/error files output = ''.join(stdout.readlines()) error = ''.join(stderr.readlines()) # get files and remove them from remote server for file in sftp.listdir(): sftp.get(os.path.join(remote_dir, file), os.path.join(work_dir, file)) sftp.remove(os.path.join(remote_dir, file)) sftp.rmdir(remote_dir) sftp.close() ssh.close() # Rename fchk file to match expected name if input_file_name + '.fchk' in os.listdir(work_dir): os.rename(os.path.join(work_dir, input_file_name + '.fchk'), os.path.join(work_dir, fchk_file)) return output, error
[docs]def generate_additional_files(input_qchem, work_dir): """ Generate additional files on scratch (work dir) for special calculations :param input_qchem: QChem input object :param work_dir: scratch directory """ # handle custom guess if input_qchem.mo_coefficients is not None: input_qchem.store_mo_file(work_dir) if input_qchem.scf_density is not None: input_qchem.store_density_file(work_dir) # set scf energy if skip_scfman (to not break) # TODO: now SCF energy is set to zero. This may not work for all features. if input_qchem._skip_scfman: if input_qchem.mo_coefficients is None: raise Exception('Explicit MO guess has to be provided for scf_skip') input_qchem.store_energy_file(work_dir) # Write hessian if input_qchem.hessian is not None: input_qchem.store_hessian_file(work_dir) # write RAS-GUESS if input_qchem.ras_guess is not None: input_qchem.store_ras_guess_file(work_dir)
[docs]def retrieve_additional_files(input_qchem, data_fchk, work_dir, scratch_read_level=0): """ retrieve data from files in scratch data (on development, currently for test only) :param input_qchem: QChem input object :param data_fchk: FCHK parsed dictionary :param work_dir: scratch directory :param scratch_read_level: defines what data to retrieve :return: dictionary with additional data """ additional_data = {} natom = len(input_qchem.molecule.get_coordinates()) file_list = os.listdir(work_dir) # OLD_DIMENSIONS if '819.0' in file_list: with open(work_dir + '819.0', 'r') as f: data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int32) norb_alpha, norb_beta = data[0:2] norb = norb_alpha nbas = norb # assumption else: norb = np.shape(data_fchk['coefficients']['alpha'])[0] nbas = np.shape(data_fchk['coefficients']['alpha'])[1] # MO_COEFS (Already in fchk) in internal order if '53.0' in file_list and 'coefficients' in data_fchk: with open(work_dir + '53.0', 'r') as f: data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=float) mo_alpha = data[:norb*nbas].reshape(-1, norb).tolist() mo_beta = data[norb*nbas: 2*norb_beta*nbas].reshape(-1, norb_beta).tolist() # additional_data['coefficients_internal'] = {'alpha': mo_alpha, 'beta': mo_beta} # obtain the order indices between fchk order and Q-Chem internal order of basis functions diff_square = get_sdm(data_fchk['coefficients']['alpha'], mo_alpha) # get non-repeating indices indices = [] for row in diff_square.T: for i in np.argsort(row): if i not in indices: indices.append(int(i)) break # indices = np.argmin(diff_square, axis=0).tolist() # store q-chem index order for later use (e.g guess) data_fchk['coefficients']['qchem_order'] = indices else: indices = list(range(nbas)) # FOCK_MATRIX if '58.0' in file_list: with open(work_dir + '58.0', 'r') as f: data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=float) fock_alpha = data[:nbas*nbas].reshape(-1, nbas) fock_beta = data[nbas*nbas: 2*nbas*nbas].reshape(-1, nbas) # set basis functions in fchk order fock_alpha = fock_alpha[:, indices] fock_alpha = fock_alpha[indices, :] fock_beta = fock_beta[:, indices] fock_beta = fock_beta[indices, :] additional_data['fock_matrix'] = {'alpha': fock_alpha.tolist(), 'beta': fock_beta.tolist()} if scratch_read_level == -1: # FILE_ENERGY (Not really worth to read it) if '99.0' in file_list: with open(work_dir + '99.0', 'r') as f: data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=float) # FILE_DENSITY_MATRIX (Already in fchk) if '54.0' in file_list: with open(work_dir + '54.0', 'r') as f: data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=float) density_alpha = data[:nbas*nbas].reshape(-1, nbas) density_beta = data[nbas*nbas: 2*nbas*nbas].reshape(-1, nbas) # set basis functions in fchk order density_alpha = density_alpha[:, indices] density_alpha = density_alpha[indices, :] density_beta = density_beta[:, indices] density_beta = density_beta[indices, :] additional_data['scf_density_internal'] = {'alpha': density_alpha.tolist(), 'beta': density_beta.tolist()} # HESSIAN_MATRIX if '132.0' in file_list: with open(work_dir + '132.0', 'r') as f: data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=float) hessian = data.reshape(-1, natom*3) additional_data['hessian'] = hessian.tolist() # AO_INTS_DEBUG if '21.0' in file_list: with open(work_dir + '21.0', 'r') as f: data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=float) ao_integrals = data.reshape(-1, nbas, nbas, nbas) # set basis functions in fchk order ao_integrals = ao_integrals[:, :, :, indices] ao_integrals = ao_integrals[:, :, indices, :] ao_integrals = ao_integrals[:, indices, :, :] ao_integrals = ao_integrals[indices, :, :, :] additional_data['ao_integrals'] = ao_integrals.tolist() if scratch_read_level > 0: # FILE_RAS_AMP if '704.0' in file_list: with open(work_dir + '705.0', 'r') as f: ras_energies = np.fromfile(f, dtype=float) n_ras_roots = len(ras_energies) with open(work_dir + '704.0', 'r') as f: data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=float) ras_amplitudes = data.reshape(n_ras_roots, -1) additional_data['ras_amplitudes'] = ras_amplitudes.tolist() return additional_data
[docs]def get_output_from_qchem(input_qchem, processors=1, use_mpi=False, scratch=None, read_fchk=False, # to be deprecated return_electronic_structure=False, parser=None, parser_parameters=None, force_recalculation=False, fchk_only=False, store_full_output=False, delete_scratch=True, remote=None, scratch_read_level=0): """ Runs qchem and returns the output in the following format: 1) If return_electronic_structure is requested: [output, parsed_fchk] 2) If return_electronic_structure is not requested: [output] Note: if parser is set then output contains a dictionary with the parsed info else output contains the q-chem output in plain text :param input_qchem: QcInput object containing the Q-Chem input :param processors: number of threads/processors to use in the calculation :param use_mpi: If False use OpenMP (threads) else use MPI (processors) :param scratch: Full Q-Chem scratch directory path. If None read from $QCSCRATCH :param return_electronic_structure: if True, returns the parsed FCHK file containing the electronic structure :param read_fchk: same as return_electronic_structure (to be deprecated) :param parser: function to use to parse the Q-Chem output :param parser_parameters: additional parameters that parser function may have :param force_recalculation: Force to recalculate even identical calculation has already performed :param fchk_only: If true, returns electronic structure data from cache ignoring output (to be deprecated) :param remote: dictionary containing the data for remote calculation (beta) :param store_full_output: store full output in plain text in pkl file :param delete_scratch: delete all scratch files when calculation is finished :return: output [, electronic_structure] """ from pyqchem.parsers.parser_fchk import parser_fchk cache = CacheSystem() # back-compatibility layer if read_fchk: warnings.warn("'read_fchk' will be deprecated, use return_electronic_structure instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return_electronic_structure = read_fchk if fchk_only: warnings.warn("'fchk_only' option will be deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) # Always generate fchk if input_qchem.gui is None or input_qchem.gui < 1: input_qchem.gui = 2 if scratch is None: scratch = os.getenv('QCSCRATCH') if scratch is None: warnings.warn('QCSCRATCH environment variable not defined, using workdir') scratch = '.' work_dir = '{}/pyqchem_{}/'.format(scratch, os.getpid()) try: os.mkdir(work_dir) except OSError: pass # check if parameters is None if parser_parameters is None: parser_parameters = {} # check if full output is stored output = cache.retrieve_calculation_data(input_qchem, 'fullout') #output, err = cache.calculation_data[(hash(input_qchem), 'fullout')] if (hash(input_qchem), 'fullout') in cache.calculation_data else [None, None] elect_struct_data = cache.retrieve_calculation_data(input_qchem, 'fchk') # check if repeated calculation if not force_recalculation and not store_full_output: # store_full_output always force re-parsing if parser is not None: parsed_data = cache.retrieve_calculation_data(hash(input_qchem), parser.__name__) if parsed_data is not None: if return_electronic_structure: return parsed_data, elect_struct_data else: return parsed_data else: if fchk_only and elect_struct_data is not None: return output, elect_struct_data # temp filenames generated in temp directory fchk_filename = 'qchem_temp_{}.fchk'.format(os.getpid()) temp_filename = 'qchem_temp_{}.inp'.format(os.getpid()) # generate the input in TXT form input_txt = input_qchem.get_txt() qchem_input_file = open(os.path.join(work_dir, temp_filename), mode='w') qchem_input_file.write(input_txt) qchem_input_file.close() # generate extra files in calculation directory generate_additional_files(input_qchem, work_dir) # Q-Chem calculation if output is None or force_recalculation is True: if remote is None: output, err = local_run(temp_filename, work_dir, fchk_filename, use_mpi=use_mpi, processors=processors) else: output, err = remote_run(temp_filename, work_dir, fchk_filename, remote, use_mpi=use_mpi, processors=processors) if not finish_ok(output): raise OutputError(output, err) # parse fchk file & and additional scratch dir files if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(work_dir, fchk_filename)): warnings.warn('fchk not found! something may be wrong in calculation') else: with open(os.path.join(work_dir, fchk_filename)) as f: fchk_txt = elect_struct_data = parser_fchk(fchk_txt) elect_struct_data.update(retrieve_additional_files(input_qchem, elect_struct_data, work_dir, scratch_read_level)) cache.store_calculation_data(input_qchem, 'fchk', elect_struct_data) if store_full_output: cache.store_calculation_data(input_qchem, 'fullout', output) if parser is not None: # Check parser compatibility version = get_version_output(output) compatibility_list = get_compatibility_list_from_parser(parser) if compatibility_list is not None: if version not in compatibility_list: warnings.warn('Parser "{}" may not be compatible with Q-Chem {}'.format(parser.__name__, version)) # minimum functionality for parser error capture try: output = parser(output, **parser_parameters) except: raise ParserError(parser.__name__, 'Undefined error', output) cache.store_calculation_data(input_qchem, parser.__name__, output) if delete_scratch: shutil.rmtree(work_dir) if return_electronic_structure: return output, elect_struct_data else: return output
def get_input_hash(data): return hashlib.md5(data.encode()).hexdigest()