Source code for pyqchem.structure

__author__ = 'Abel Carreras'
import numpy as np
import hashlib, json
from pyqchem.errors import StructureError

[docs]class Structure: """ Structure object containing all the geometric data of the molecule """ def __init__(self, coordinates=None, symbols=None, atomic_numbers=None, connectivity=None, charge=0, multiplicity=1, name=None): """ :param coordinates: List containing the cartesian coordinates of each atom in Angstrom :param symbols: Symbols of the atoms within the molecule :param atomic_numbers: Atomic numbers of the atoms within the molecule :param charge: charge of the molecule :param multiplicity: multiplicity of the molecule """ self._coordinates = np.array(coordinates) self._atomic_numbers = atomic_numbers self._connectivity = connectivity self._symbols = symbols self._charge = charge self._multiplicity = multiplicity self._name = name self._atomic_masses = None self._number_of_atoms = None # check input data if symbols is not None and coordinates is not None: if len(coordinates) != len(symbols): raise StructureError('coordinates and symbols do not match') if atomic_numbers is not None: self._symbols = [atom_data[i][1] for i in atomic_numbers] def __str__(self): return self.get_xyz() def __hash__(self): digest = hashlib.md5(json.dumps((self.get_xyz(), self.alpha_electrons, self.beta_electrons), sort_keys=True).encode()).hexdigest() return int(digest, 16)
[docs] def get_coordinates(self, fragment=None): """ gets the cartesian coordinates :param fragment: list of atoms that are part of the fragment :return: coordinates list """ if self._coordinates is None: return None if fragment is None: return np.array(self._coordinates).tolist() else: return np.array(self._coordinates)[fragment].tolist()
[docs] def set_coordinates(self, coordinates): """ sets the cartessian coordinates :param coordinates: cartesian coordinates matrix """ self._coordinates = np.array(coordinates) self._number_of_atoms = None
@property def name(self): """ returns the name :return: structure name """ return self._name @property def file_name(self): return self._file_name @file_name.setter def file_name(self, file_name): self._file_name = file_name @property def charge(self): """ returns the charge :return: the charge """ return self._charge @charge.setter def charge(self, charge): self._charge = charge @property def multiplicity(self): """ returns the multiplicity :return: the multiplicity """ return self._multiplicity @multiplicity.setter def multiplicity(self, multiplicity): self._multiplicity = multiplicity @property def number_of_electrons(self): """ returns the total number of electrons :return: number of total electrons """ return int(np.sum(self.get_atomic_numbers()) + self.charge) @property def alpha_electrons(self): """ returns the alpha electrons :return: number of alpha electrons """ alpha_unpaired = self.multiplicity // 2 return self.number_of_electrons // 2 + alpha_unpaired @property def beta_electrons(self): """ returns the number of beta electrons :return: number of beta electrons """ return self.number_of_electrons - self.alpha_electrons
[docs] def get_atomic_numbers(self): """ get the atomic numbers of the atoms of the molecule :return: list with the atomic numbers """ if self._atomic_numbers is None: self._atomic_numbers = [[data[1].upper() for data in atom_data].index(element.upper()) for element in self.get_symbols()] return self._atomic_numbers
def set_atomic_numbers(self, atomic_numbers): self._atomic_numbers = atomic_numbers
[docs] def get_symbols(self): """ get the atomic element symbols of the atoms of the molecule :return: list of symbols """ if self._symbols is None: self._symbols = np.array(atom_data)[self.get_atomic_numbers()].T[1] return np.array([i for i in self._symbols if i != "X"], dtype=str)
def set_symbols(self, atomic_elements): self._symbols = atomic_elements def _get_connectivity(self): if self._connectivity is None: print('No atom connectivity available') exit() return self._connectivity def _set_connectivity(self, connectivity): self._connectivity = connectivity # Real methods
[docs] def get_number_of_atoms(self): """ get the number of atoms :return: number of atoms """ if self._number_of_atoms is None: self._number_of_atoms = np.array(self.get_coordinates()).shape[0] return self._number_of_atoms
[docs] def get_atomic_masses(self): """ get the atomic masses of the atoms of the molecule :return: list of atomic masses """ if self._atomic_masses is None: try: masses_string = np.array(atom_data)[:, 3:4][[np.where(np.array(atom_data)==element)[0][0] for element in self.get_symbols()]] self._atomic_masses = np.array(masses_string, dtype=float).T[0] except TypeError: print('Error reading element labels') exit() return self._atomic_masses
[docs] def get_valence_electrons(self): """ get number of valence electrons :return: number of valence electrons """ valence_electrons = 0 for number in self.get_atomic_numbers(): if 2 >= number > 0: valence_electrons += np.mod(number, 2) if 18 >= number > 2: valence_electrons += np.mod(number-2, 8) if 54 >= number > 18: valence_electrons += np.mod(number-18, 18) if 118 >= number > 54: valence_electrons += np.mod(number-54, 32) if number > 118: raise Exception('Atomic number size not implemented') valence_electrons -= self.charge return valence_electrons
[docs] def get_xyz(self, title=''): """ generates a XYZ formatted file :param title: title of the molecule :return: string with the formatted XYZ file """ txt = '{}\n{}'.format(self.get_number_of_atoms(), title) for s, c in zip(self.get_symbols(), self.get_coordinates()): txt += '\n{:2} '.format(s) + '{:15.10f} {:15.10f} {:15.10f}'.format(*c) return txt
[docs] def get_connectivity(self, thresh=1.2): """ get the connectivity as a list of pairs of indices of atoms from atomic radii :param thresh: radii threshold used to determine the connectivity :return: """ from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix try: radius = [atom_data[sym][4] for sym in self.get_atomic_numbers()] except KeyError: warnings.warn('failed to generate connectivity, no connectivity will be used') return None distances_matrix = distance_matrix(self.get_coordinates(), self.get_coordinates()) radii_matrix = np.array([radius] * len(radius)) radii_matrix = radii_matrix + radii_matrix.T try: relative_differences = np.abs(radii_matrix - distances_matrix) / radii_matrix except ValueError: warnings.warn('failed to generate connectivity') return None if not (np.array(np.where(relative_differences < thresh - 1)).T + 1).tolist(): return None else: return (np.array(np.where(relative_differences < thresh - 1)).T + 1).tolist()
[docs] def get_point_symmetry(self): """ Returns the point group of the molecule using pymatgen :return: point symmetry label """ from pymatgen.core import Molecule from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import PointGroupAnalyzer pymatgen_mol = Molecule(self.get_symbols(), self.get_coordinates()) symm_group = PointGroupAnalyzer(pymatgen_mol, tolerance=0.1) return symm_group.sch_symbol
atom_data = [ # atomic number, symbols, names, masses, bohr radius [ 0, "X", "X", 0.000000, 0.000], # 0 [ 1, "H", "Hydrogen", 1.007940, 0.324], # 1 [ 2, "He", "Helium", 4.002602, 0.000], # 2 [ 3, "Li", "Lithium", 6.941000, 1.271], # 3 [ 4, "Be", "Beryllium", 9.012182, 0.927], # 4 [ 5, "B", "Boron", 10.811000, 0.874], # 5 [ 6, "C", "Carbon", 12.010700, 0.759], # 6 [ 7, "N", "Nitrogen", 14.006700, 0.706], # 7 [ 8, "O", "Oxygen", 15.999400, 0.678], # 8 [ 9, "F", "Fluorine", 18.998403, 0.568], # 9 [ 10, "Ne", "Neon", 20.179700, 0.000], # 10 [ 11, "Na", "Sodium", 22.989769, 1.672], # 11 [ 12, "Mg", "Magnesium", 24.305000, 1.358], # 12 [ 13, "Al", "Aluminium", 26.981539, 1.218], # 13 [ 14, "Si", "Silicon", 28.085500, 1.187], # 14 [ 15, "P", "Phosphorus", 30.973762, 1.105], # 15 [ 16, "S", "Sulfur", 32.065000, 1.045], # 16 [ 17, "Cl", "Chlorine", 35.453000, 1.006], # 17 [ 18, "Ar", "Argon", 39.948000, 0.000], # 18 [ 19, "K", "Potassium", 39.098300, 2.247], # 19 [ 20, "Ca", "Calcium", 40.078000, 1.748], # 20 [ 21, "Sc", "Scandium", 44.955912, 1.664], # 21 [ 22, "Ti", "Titanium", 47.867000, 1.620], # 22 [ 23, "V", "Vanadium", 50.941500, 1.543], # 23 [ 24, "Cr", "Chromium", 51.996100, 1.418], # 24 [ 25, "Mn", "Manganese", 54.938045, 1.569], # 25 [ 26, "Fe", "Iron", 55.845000, 1.514], # 26 [ 27, "Co", "Cobalt", 58.933195, 1.385], # 27 [ 28, "Ni", "Nickel", 58.693400, 1.390], # 28 [ 29, "Cu", "Copper", 63.546000, 1.382], # 29 [ 30, "Zn", "Zinc", 65.380000, 1.416], # 30 [ 31, "Ga", "Gallium", 69.723000, 1.235], # 31 [ 32, "Ge", "Germanium", 72.640000, 1.201], # 32 [ 33, "As", "Arsenic", 74.921600, 1.232], # 33 [ 34, "Se", "Selenium", 78.960000, 1.210], # 34 [ 35, "Br", "Bromine", 79.904000, 1.190], # 35 [ 36, "Kr", "Krypton", 83.798000, 0.000], # 36 [ 37, "Rb", "Rubidium", 85.467800, 2.284], # 37 [ 38, "Sr", "Strontium", 87.620000, 1.942], # 38 [ 39, "Y", "Yttrium", 88.905850, 1.993], # 39 [ 40, "Zr", "Zirconium", 91.224000, 1.758], # 40 [ 41, "Nb", "Niobium", 92.906380, 1.610], # 41 [ 42, "Mo", "Molybdenum", 95.960000, 1.639], # 42 [ 43, "Tc", "Technetium", 0.000000, 1.493], # 43 [ 44, "Ru", "Ruthenium", 101.07000, 1.467], # 44 [ 45, "Rh", "Rhodium", 102.90550, 1.437], # 45 [ 46, "Pd", "Palladium", 106.42000, 1.422], # 46 [ 47, "Ag", "Silver", 107.86820, 1.466], # 47 [ 48, "Cd", "Cadmium", 112.41100, 1.441], # 48 [ 49, "In", "Indium", 114.81800, 1.421], # 49 [ 50, "Sn", "Tin", 118.71000, 1.408], # 50 [ 51, "Sb", "Antimony", 121.76000, 1.397], # 51 [ 52, "Te", "Tellurium", 127.60000, 1.395], # 52 [ 53, "I", "Iodine", 126.90447, 1.396], # 53 [ 54, "Xe", "Xenon", 131.29300, 1.336], # 54 [ 55, "Cs", "Caesium", 132.90545, 2.470], # 55 [ 56, "Ba", "Barium", 137.32700, 2.219], # 56 [ 57, "La", "Lanthanum", 138.90547, 2.089], # 57 [ 58, "Ce", "Cerium", 140.11600, 2.054], # 58 [ 59, "Pr", "Praseodymium", 140.90765, 1.979], # 59 [ 60, "Nd", "Neodymium", 144.24200, 0.000], # 60 [ 61, "Pm", "Promethium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 61 [ 62, "Sm", "Samarium", 150.36000, 2.535], # 62 [ 63, "Eu", "Europium", 151.96400, 0.000], # 63 [ 64, "Gd", "Gadolinium", 157.25000, 0.000], # 64 [ 65, "Tb", "Terbium", 158.92535, 0.000], # 65 [ 66, "Dy", "Dysprosium", 162.50000, 0.000], # 66 [ 67, "Ho", "Holmium", 164.93032, 0.000], # 67 [ 68, "Er", "Erbium", 167.25900, 0.000], # 68 [ 69, "Tm", "Thulium", 168.93421, 0.000], # 69 [ 70, "Yb", "Ytterbium", 173.05400, 0.000], # 70 [ 71, "Lu", "Lutetium", 174.96680, 0.000], # 71 [ 72, "Hf", "Hafnium", 178.49000, 1.779], # 72 [ 73, "Ta", "Tantalum", 180.94788, 1.723], # 73 [ 74, "W", "Tungsten", 183.84000, 1.627], # 74 [ 75, "Re", "Rhenium", 186.20700, 1.536], # 75 [ 76, "Os", "Osmium", 190.23000, 1.521], # 76 [ 77, "Ir", "Iridium", 192.21700, 1.456], # 77 [ 78, "Pt", "Platinum", 195.08400, 1.390], # 78 [ 79, "Au", "Gold", 196.96657, 1.402], # 79 [ 80, "Hg", "Mercury", 200.59000, 1.371], # 80 [ 81, "Tl", "Thallium", 204.38330, 1.384], # 81 [ 82, "Pb", "Lead", 207.20000, 1.820], # 82 [ 83, "Bi", "Bismuth", 208.98040, 1.507], # 83 [ 84, "Po", "Polonium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 84 [ 85, "At", "Astatine", 0.00000, 0.000], # 85 [ 86, "Rn", "Radon", 0.00000, 0.000], # 86 [ 87, "Fr", "Francium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 87 [ 88, "Ra", "Radium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 88 [ 89, "Ac", "Actinium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 89 [ 90, "Th", "Thorium", 232.03806, 0.000], # 90 [ 91, "Pa", "Protactinium",231.03588, 0.000], # 91 [ 92, "U", "Uranium", 238.02891, 0.000], # 92 [ 93, "Np", "Neptunium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 93 [ 94, "Pu", "Plutonium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 94 [ 95, "Am", "Americium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 95 [ 96, "Cm", "Curium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 96 [ 97, "Bk", "Berkelium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 97 [ 98, "Cf", "Californium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 98 [ 99, "Es", "Einsteinium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 99 [100, "Fm", "Fermium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 100 [101, "Md", "Mendelevium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 101 [102, "No", "Nobelium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 102 [103, "Lr", "Lawrencium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 103 [104, "Rf", "Rutherfordium",0.00000, 0.000], # 104 [105, "Db", "Dubnium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 105 [106, "Sg", "Seaborgium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 106 [107, "Bh", "Bohrium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 107 [108, "Hs", "Hassium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 108 [109, "Mt", "Meitnerium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 109 [110, "Ds", "Darmstadtium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 110 [111, "Rg", "Roentgenium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 111 [112, "Cn", "Copernicium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 112 [113, "Uut", "Ununtrium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 113 [114, "Uuq", "Ununquadium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 114 [115, "Uup", "Ununpentium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 115 [116, "Uuh", "Ununhexium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 116 [117, "Uus", "Ununseptium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 117 [118, "Uuo", "Ununoctium", 0.00000, 0.000], # 118 ]